MIGHTY UPVC Solvent Cement

  • The major characteristic of MIGHTY UPVC Solvent Cement is that the fluid is specially formulated in "Thin & Light ".
  • The "Thin & Light " MIGHTY UPVC Solvent Cement is highly soluble and which able to penetrate 0.4mm deep into the pipe's wall less than 5 seconds after application.
  • It is more suitable for use on UPVC pipes in any cold weather condition.
  • This type of solvent cement is produced by using a high-speed heat reacting mixer.
  • Over the years, MIGHTY UPVC Solvent Cement has been granted and certified by SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia's leading certification, inspection and testing body which comply with internationally recognized standards) a license (No: PM042302) as complying with MS628-4:2015 (equivalent to British Standard BS4346 Part 3).
  • Volatile Organic Compound (VOC:Level) 444g/1Liter.

MIGHT UPVC Solvent Cement Process Flow Chart

When come to the final QC, we will randomly pick some samples from the finished products and proceed for our in-house testing. We always set our in-house testing requirement higher than the usual SIRIM or BS standard as shown in the table.
Number of testing hour(s) Min shear strength level set by Standard * Min shear strength level set by MIGHTY *
1 hour 0.6mpa or 86psi 2mpa or 285psi
24 hours 2mpa or 285psi 5mpa or 713psi
336 hours Must above 5mpa or 713psi 7.5mpa or 1068psi
* Standard based on MS628-4:2015 (equivalent to British Standard BS 4346 Part 3)
* 1mpa = 142.5psi